THE LIBRARY OF LIFE 10AM - 1PM pm Sat, 1 Oct 2022 Venue:Tree House Cafe/Windsor Baptist Church, Victoria Street, Windsor SL4 1EH Price: Free

A visitor to the Library of Life can choose from a range of titles. You choose your title ….. and get a person, not a book. Instead of sitting down to read, you sit down to talk. 

Pop in between 10am and 1pm to have a 10-minute conversation with a Live Book of your choice.

This is an unique opportunity to see life from a different perspective

Human Books:                                                                                  “The Uninvited Guest: Brain Tumour at 41”                                        “From Colombian Cocaine to Argentine Tango''                                     “Two Queens, a Battersea Dog, and a Wonderangel”                               “Failure is not Fatal”                                                                     “Dealing with Separation with an Open Heart”                                     “Using my Image-ination: My Career in Art Therapy”                         “Adoption Story: My Dad Gave Me to his Friend”                                 “Life after 50: A New Start with Stone Carving”                               “Happy Being Lost: Travel Diary of an Ordinary Man”                         “BodyTalk Therapy: How I Learned to Breathe”                                 “Displaced From Ukraine”                                                               “Safari Tales: Adventures as a Game Ranger in South Africa”   “Overcoming Depression: Learning to be OK with Not Being Perfect”       “Losing It All:  From Ukraine to England