Amateur playwrights world-wide are invited to submit unpublished one-act plays.
Three winning scripts will be selected for fully staged performances during the Fringe Festival in October. One of the three scripts will be chosen for the £500 prize, judged purely on the writing.
Submission deadline March 5th 2020.
Only amateur playwrights are eligible and only one script per author will be accepted. Each script must be an original work and not have been previously published or performed.
Each play must be no more than 30 minutes long, have a cast of no more than six actors, and be suitable for staging in a studio theatre.
Submission guidelines
So that each script may be judged anonymously, the cover page must show the play's title, the author’s name and contact info. Writers should submit two hard copies of their plays, printed on one side only of A4 paper with no binding or stapling. Pages must be numbered. In addition one digital copy should be emailed to [email protected] by 12 noon latest on deadline date. Please include the name "Branagh" in your title. An automatic reply will be sent saying the copy has been received and when writers should expect to hear/next steps etc.No scripts will be returned.
A £10 reading fee will be charged per entry.
Please make cheques payable to: Windsor Fringe Festival. If you prefer you can pay by Paypal, click on the button below.
Scripts should be sent together with the reading fee to:
Windsor Fringe Kenneth Branagh Drama Writing Award
Suite 640, 24-28 St Leonard’s Road, Windsor, Berks. SL4 3BB U.K.
Selection process
Scripts will be evaluated by readers and the final nine short list by our two judges.
The three winning writers will be notified by the middle of June 2020. Results of the competition will be announced through the media, the Windsor Fringe web, Twitter and Facebook sites.
The winner of the £500 award (chosen mid June and held in a sealed envelope) will be announced at the Awards Ceremony after the final performance.
Please note: any emails to: should include the name 'Branagh' to isolate them from the enormous amount of spam mail received at this address. Otherwise they may not be logged/recorded.
For additional info: tel: 07771 757678 e-mail: [email protected]